le stationnement avec
une solution automatique
à haute densité
le stationnement avec
une solution automatique
à haute densité
Solution sécurisée et simple,
pour la mobilité douce, aussi
Saving floor space and providing local sustainable energy
Private mobility will continue to play an important role in the coming years, alongside public transport. DensiParc parking solution will help to minimize the impact of this type of traffic on the environment by providing innovative, sustainable parking solutions that save space. Thanks to the photovoltaic panels integrated into the roof and facade, DensiParc not only generates its own energy for its own use but also for the benefit of the local population.

Lift & slide
DensiParc Puzzle parking system design has a structure that enables the use of all parking entrances and exits on the ground level. The parking pallet moves left, right, upward, and downward and always has a minimum of one empty slot for movement.

Save space, gain place
Densiparc offers a 35% to 45% cheaper alternative to building underground car parks. Densiparc makes it possible to increase the density of parking by building car parks at height, thereby freeing up to 80% of ground surface.
Located in economic development centres and industrial estates, DensiParc optimises the use of industrial space. In addition, as traffic and parking conditions are becoming increasingly restrictive, DensiParc meets employees’ demand for parking solutions in the immediate proximity of their workplace.

Charging station
DensiParc car parks are equipped
with charging station sytem.

Cross technologies
DensiParc is a combination of digital, mechanical and architectural technologies. It is this global and holistic vision that gives DensiParc a competitive edge and the high added value of its proposal.
- A fully digitalised customer experience.
- An innovative architectural concept integrating photovoltaics.
- An automatic mechanical parking system.
- A system of charging points for electric vehicles.

Modular, easy and efficient
The structural elements consist of a simple concrete foundation on which the modular mechanical system (9, 14, 20 or more places) is mounted, wrapped in a photovoltaic envelope. The entire structure can be dismantled, with no impact on the depth of the ground.

The DensiParc modular system is designed to provide a range of intelligent multi-storey parking solutions that enable several cars to be parked independently.
The parking system provides entry and exit access at ground level.

Automatic control system
The selected parking space is moved to the desired position by means of an automatic control system, and parking spaces can be moved vertically or horizontally.
The parking platform moves left, right, up and down, and always has at least one empty space to allow movement.

An active architectural envelope
The solar energy produced can be consumed directly on site by the electric vehicles (cars, scooters, bicycles) and/or fed back into the local electricity grid. The solar installation amortises after 1 to 4 years of operation, from an energy point of view, and continues to supply electricity for more than 25 years.
DensiParc car parks are all equipped with charging station sytem.

Key facts and figures
With an active surface area of around 444 m2 (corresponding roughly to the basic module of 9 vehicles), the photovoltaic power is equivalent to 92 kW, or an annual production of 57,262 kWh, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of 13 households for one year.
Reusable by nature
The DensiParc system is made from recyclable materials, and its footprint is limited to its anchoring. Structures are designed to be dismantled. This exclusive development means that the park can be operated for a pre-defined period at a specific location. The entire park can be removed and reassembled as required.

Each car park is a business unit with its own yield, performance and operating model.
In addition to its many financing options (participative shareholding, tokenized ownership, licensing, crowdfunding), DensiParc also offers a wide range of customisation options for its services, such as setting payment terms and conditions.
The solution offers a wide degree of flexibility, as the subscription periodicity system can be customised (e.g. month, year, week, day and time).

Le système modulaire DensiParc est conçu pour fournir une gamme de solutions de parking intelligent à plusieurs étages qui permettent le stationnement indépendant de plusieurs voitures.
Le système de stationnement offre un accès d’entrée et de sortie au niveau du sol.

Un système automatique et autonome.
L'espace de stationnement sélectionné est déplacé à la position souhaitée au moyen d'un système de contrôle automatique, et les espaces de stationnement peuvent être déplacés verticalement ou horizontalement.
La plateforme de stationnement se déplace à gauche, à droite, vers le haut et vers le bas et dispose toujours d’au minimum un emplacement vide pour permettre le mouvement.

Une enveloppe architecturale active.
L'énergie solaire produite peut être auto-consommée directement par l’exploitation et la recharge des véhicules électriques et/ou réinjectée dans le réseau électrique local. L'installation solaire est amortie après 1 à 4 ans de fonctionnement, d'un point de vue énergétique, et continue à fournir de l'électricité pendant plus de 25 ans.
Tous nos parkings sont équipés de systèmes de bornes de recharge pour tous types de véhicules électriques.
Chaque parking est une unité commerciale avec son propre rendement, sa propre performance et son propre modèle d'exploitation.
Outre ses nombreuses options de financement (actionnariat participatif, propriété tokenisée, licence, crowdfunding), DensiParc offre également un large éventail d'options de personnalisation de ses services, telles que la définition des modalités de paiement. La solution offre une grande flexibilité, puisque le système de périodicité des abonnements peut être personnalisé (par exemple, mois, année, semaine, jour et heure).